The Rise of The New Queen
-by: Hopeless Romantic-
Rated: PG
Usagi and Mamoru were married once she graduated from school. She has been debating what she should do with her life. Around the world many ecological disturbances have been occurring. There have been numerous earthquakes, hurricanes and volcanic eruptions, in the past year.
All of this went on practically unnoticed by the newlyweds. Until one day when their perfect world was turned upside down.* * * * * * * * * *
"Mamo-chan, what should we do today?" Usagi asked as she was dressing in the bathroom, but there was no answer.
Usagi figured that he just didn't hear her and finished dressing.
When she walked out of the bathroom, she saw Mamoru collapsed on the living room floor in front of the TV.
Usagi ran to his side and was trying to wake him, but with no luck. That was when she noticed what he was watching on TV. It was a report about dead and dying fish washing up on the shores everywhere around the world. This was not just regular fish but, whales, sharks and dolphins.
'This cannot be happening. What would cause such a thing?' Usagi thought to herself as she watched in horror people trying to save a sperm whale on a beach in China.
Usagi grabbed her communicator and called for the girls to come to their apartment, because of Mamoru's condition.
As she closed the connection on her communicator, a shimmering light appeared before her. It soon took the shape of Ellios, guardian of dreams and Illusion.
"Princess… I have come on most urgent circumstances." Ellios, kneeled before Usagi.
"Ellios, please stand and tell me what is happening to Endymion?" Usagi hurriedly asked.
"Princess, Prince Endymion's body is reflecting the events that are occurring around the world. The earth is dying and she is reaching out to Endymion for help. He has been giving her extra strength now for quite some time." Ellios explained.
"That cannot be Ellios, Endymion has never mentioned this to me." Usagi countered.
"That may be true but he has been giving energy to her to fight. Now, all is worsening and Prince Endymion is suffering and may die. Both he and the earth may die unless something is done to help." Ellios replied, as he faded away.
This cannot be. I will not let this happen.
Soon the girls came and were all frantic, once Usagi explained what Ellios had told her.
Usagi sat on the floor with Mamoru's head cradled in her lap.
The girls were discussing what help they could provide to Mamoru and the earth, but none of them could come up with any answers.
Usagi just rubbed Mamoru's forehead, as she mentally asked him what she must do.
'Usako, you must do what you know to do.' Was Mamoru's weak reply.
'I don't think I can. So many will die.' Usagi pleaded mentally.
'Do not be afraid my love. Saving a multitude of people for the sacrifice of few, is worth while. If we don't try, then we all may die.' Mamoru replied before unconsciousness consumed all of him, and their mental link interrupted.
"I know what must be done," Usagi whispered.
"Sailor Pluto, as once your Princess and now your Queen. Show yourself." Usagi declared, startling the girls.
The girls sat there stunned, as a gray cloud appeared and soon the Guardian of Time kneeled before Usagi.
"Setsuna, you know better." Usagi said, quietly.
"You called." Stated Sailor Pluto, knowing why already.
"You know perfectly well, why I have summoned you. The time has come. The reawakening of The Sailor Of Death and Rebirth is upon us. Bring the outer senshi here. The great sleep is coming." Usagi sadly commanded, with a tear in her eye.
"As you wish" was all that Sailor Pluto said before leaving.
The girls were staring at Usagi with their mouths agape.
"Usagi, you don't mean…" Rei began but was cut off by Usagi.
"I must awaken Sailor Saturn. The time has come for the great sleep. I know now what I must do in order to save all of us." Usagi firmly replied.
"But how?" Ami asked.
"Sailor Saturn and I will work together. She will use the silence glaive and I will use the ginzuishou." Usagi replied.
"But won't that kill everyone?" A frightened Minako asked.
"No, Sailor Saturn will use her same power of destruction, and I will modify that with the ginzuishou. By causing everyone to sleep, instead of perish, the ginzuishou will seal the world in a crystal barrier. So that the sun will not break through the protective layer, causing another ice age, while the earth repairs itself." Usagi replied in a calm voice, a voice which did not sound like herself; but that of her long ago self.* * * * * * * * * *
In another part of Japan two women sat quietly in their home having tea.
"The seas are churning, and are in misery." Michiru frowned, setting down her cup.
"Then we will be getting an unexpected guest." Haruka remarked, when a suddenly much older Hotaru walked into the room.
"Yes, it is time. The Earth and Prince Endymion are in danger." Hotaru stated in a quiet voice.
Haruka and Michiru looked worriedly at Hotaru, as a familiar gray fog filled the room.
"She speaks the truth. Neo-Queen Serenity has requested your return. It is time." Sailor Pluto said, as she teleported them to Mamoru's apartment."Usagi-chan, are you sure that there isn't another way?" a concerned Rei asked, as Usagi caressed Mamoru's cheek. * * * * * * * * * *
Rei, not thinking she did any harm, was taken aback by Usagi's reply.
"If there was another way don't you think I would use it. I don't like this idea anymore than you guys do. This is necessary in order to save not only Mamoru but everyone else." Usagi authoritatively glared at Rei, who was retreating to the other side of the room.
'My god, I didn't know she had that in her. The Queen in her is finally emerging. I can see it in her aura.' Rei thought, as she took a seat on the floor beside a bookcase.
As an uncomfortable silence came over the room, the gray fog re-appeared. When it cleared four figures came into sight, all were kneeling.
"My Queen…" Sailor Pluto began, but was cut off.
"Really, all of you know better. Please stand my friends. We have a sad task ahead of us." Usagi motioned for the group to stand.
"My Queen, you know what must be done?" Hotaru asked quietly.
"Yes, but we are going to do this together." Usagi answered.
"How?" Hotaru questioned.
"I will modify the destruction power that you hold with the ginzuishou. Thus, sealing the Earth in a crystal shell while the Earth rebuilds itself. Doing this I pray that many will survive and that Endymion will be healed." Usagi explained.
Sailor Pluto observed quietly, knowing full well that many casualties would come of the sleep ; including Usagi's parents and many of her friends.
"Serenity-sama, I haven't had my powers restored." Hotaru explained in a quiet voice.
"Hotaru, not to worry. I can restore them. Please come here." Usagi replied standing, and motioned for Hotaru to come to her.
Hotaru stood before Usagi unsure of what was to happen.
That question was answered for everyone. A blinding light engulfed the room and all present had to shield their eyes. When the light subsided, before them stood Neo-Queen Serenity and Sailor Saturn.
"The time has come." It was a simple statement, but coming from the very regal looking Serenity, it carried a serious tone.
"Yes, it has. It is time for a birth of a new Earth and the reign of Neo-Queen Serenity and King Endymion." Sailor Pluto declared with a bow, as the other senshi did the same.
A serious tone overcame the group.
"First thing, I must take care of is Mamoru. I must heal him enough to bring him conscious before the sleep comes." Serenity conveyed to the group.
"But, won't that drain your energy too much?" Amy asked, concerned.
"No, I must awaken him so that he will be protected during the sleep and the Ginzuishou will heal him further." Serenity explained as she knelt down to Mamoru.
Serenity had been becoming one with the Ginzuishou since the last battle, and its power now flowed through her body.
Gently, Serenity touched Mamoru's cheek and kissed him softly on the forehead.
"Awaken my love the time is growing near." Serenity whispered.
Mamoru's eyes opened and a soft smile was on his lips.
"Serenity, I have longed to see you as this." Mamoru whispered softly.
"I know you have… Endymion" Serenity smiled as she touched his chest a glow surrounded him and in his place was King Endymion.
Endymion smiled at Serenity, but started to cough and wheeze.
Serenity knew that they didn't have a lot of time.
"Alright, we must do this together. Hotaru and I will remain here with Endymion, the rest of you make a circle around us." Serenity motioned as she stood up after kissing Endymion once more.
'I wonder what will happen to us and what sustained sleep will be like?' Amy thought to herself.
"It will be just like going to sleep. Only we will be encased in small chambers made up of Ginzuishou. The rest of the world will be encased in quartz" Serenity explained looking at Amy who had transformed like the rest into senshi form.
"But How?" Amy questioned.
"Because I have become one with the Ginzuishou and it has awakened my dormant telepathic abilities. I am able to hear your thoughts and you will be able to sense when I am in danger. The only one that shares this with me is Endymion, although we shared this link for longer than life itself." Serenity explained to the stunned group.
With that out of the way, the senshi formed a circle around Serenity, Endymion and Hotaru. They each called upon their planet's power and it formed a multi-colored shield around them. With the shield in place, it was now Serenity and Hotaru's turn.
Hotaru and Serenity combined powers and sealed the Earth and all it's inhabitants in a crystal sleep.
The senshi were all sealed into separate crystal chambers except Serenity and Endymion. The two were sealed together, so that Endymion would absorb the ginzuishou and his body healed, so that he and Serenity would become the eternal rulers of Crystal Tokyo.
Serentiy and Endymion shared a final thought, before the crystal overtook their consciousness.
'I love you' was the thought.Who's going to awake everyone and what happens after they are awakened?
Well, that is for another story………..* * * * * * * *
Note: I had this story mulling around in my head for quite some time. I had been working on another, completely out of character story, for me to be writing. Upon reading through the archives at Fan Fiction.Net, I saw a story that used the same 'lesser known' movie and another for it's inspiration. Even though I had my story written prior to this particular story's posting, I will not publish anything that even comes close to someone else's work. That is just me. Not only that but the new one doesn't really have much to do with Sailor Moon. The Title is Fantasy Love and it is rated NC-17 for adult content. The story I had read was very much a "G" rated story. If any of you wish to read it e mail me or you can go to Strands of Moonlight at: http:/ and
As always the characters of Sailor Moon belong to others, I only borrow them from time to time to expand on the romance between them.