-by: the Yarnspinner- the_yarnspinner@yahoo.com http://strands-of-moonlight.my3gb.com -or- http://strands-of-moonlight.6te.net A Sekkushiaru Roman featuring characters from the anime "Sailor Moon" > Chapter 71 - Arrangements < Mamoru climbed the steps of the Tokyo Business Club and opened the door. The large, ornate clock within the lobby showed it was just a few minutes before noon. He muttered inwardly, having hoped to be a bit earlier in arriving. Striding past the desk, he went up the stairs, reaching into his jacket pocket to confirm yet again the presence of the thick envelope that was now even more valuable to him than the entire Chiba fortune. He turned down a hallway toward the small private dining room he had reserved. A young woman dressed in a club uniform was standing outside the door. "Good morning, Chiba-san," she greeted him with a bow. "The other members of your party have already arrived." "Thank you... Kurokawa-san," he replied, hurriedly glancing at her name tag. She pulled open the door and bowed as he passed. Inside, at the dining table, sat Kobayashi Shinichiro and a surprisingly young looking man who was the new attorney handling Mamoru's personal affairs. "Ah, Mamoru-san," Kobayashi greeted him, as both men rose to their feet. "I do hope nothing is wrong. You were rather vague when you said you needed this meeting right away." "No, Kobayashi-san. Nothing is wrong," Mamoru assured him. As he approached the table, he could see a cart with an assortment of beverages and a full buffet set off to one side. He had ordered the buffet because he wanted privacy. Kobayashi frowned as it was clear Mamoru was not going to volunteer any more information. "Well... that is good to know, at least," he said. He then turned to indicate the other man. "I do not believe you have met. Mamoru-san, this is Mizuuchi Seiji, your new personal attorney. Mizuuchi-san, your client Chiba Mamoru-san." Mizuuchi bowed. "It is an honor to meet you, Chiba-san." "And an honor for me, Mizuuchi-san," Mamoru replied. "I am grateful you could come on such short notice." He studied the other man. "You look somewhat familiar." Mizuuchi smiled. "My uncle, Tokuhiro Yusuke, was honored to be your late father's attorney for many years." "Ah, yes of course," Mamoru acknowledged. "I have reviewed your trust documents thoroughly, and I shall make every effort to attend to your needs," Mizuuchi said. "I have no doubts on that score, Mizuuchi-san," Mamoru said. He turned back to Kobayashi. "Shall we sit? I have some things to discuss before we eat." "Certainly," Kobayashi said. As the three men sat, Mamoru pulled the envelope from his pocket. "This is why I asked to meet with you. It is an early Christmas present from my fiancee's parents." He slid the envelope across the table to Mizuuchi. "Early Christmas present?" Kobayshi asked, with a wry grin. Mamoru nodded. Mizuuchi withdrew the sheaf of paperwork. "Consent to marriage on behalf of a minor," he said matter-of-factly, glancing at the first document. "Duly signed by both parents, and witnessed." He skimmed the remaining documents. "Release of parental custody, effective upon marriage... Transfer of those consent obligations which cannot be assumed by the underage girl to the husband, effective upon marriage... Transfer of assumable consent obligations to the underage girl..." He looked up at Mamoru. "This all looks perfectly in order, Chiba-san. I believe congratulations are due." Kobayashi reached over and patted Mamoru's shoulder. "I most certainly should say so," he exclaimed. "I am so very happy for you, Mamoru-san. And I know Natsumi will share my happiness for you." "Thank you," Mamoru said softly. "A part of me is still a little afraid this is all a dream and that soon I will wake up." Mizuuchi held up the paperwork. "I can assure you, Chiba-san. These documents are absolutely genuine. As soon as you reach your majority with the New Year, you and your fiancee will be entirely free to act on these." Mamoru nodded. "I understood that I would need to make some arrangements first." "Well... yes," Mizuuchi said. "You will want to have her included on your accounts." "What about the transfer of consent obligations you mentioned?" Kobayashi asked. Mizuuchi shook his head. "Chiba-san only needs to sign this document and have it filed when he files his marriage license. No additional documentation is required." "We are already expecting children... twins," Mamoru said. "She is due sometime in early summer." "Really?" Mizuuchi thought for a moment. "That makes the question of medical consents much more urgent. Exactly how old is your fiancee?" "Fourteen," Mamoru said. "Fifteen at the New Year." Mizuuchi looked up at him for a moment. He then pulled a notepad out of his briefcase and began scribbling notes. "I will draft a document for you to sign upon your marriage, giving express consent for medically necessary treatments and procedures. That is usually treated as an assumable consent for an underage married girl, but the law is not entirely clear on that. Given your fiancee's youth, and particularly if she outwardly appears quite young, some hospitals might give her a hard time. An advance directive from you would remove any such difficulties." "I certainly intend to be there," Mamrou said. "Of course," Mizuuchi acknowledged. "But if the unexpected should happen, I think you would agree it is better to be safe than sorry." Mamoru nodded wordlessly. "And given her age, I must assume your fiancee is still in school," Mizuuchi continued. "Second year, junior high?" "That's correct," Mamoru confirmed. Mizuuchi nodded. "What school?" "Juuban Junior High, in Minato-ku." The attorney scribbled another note, then sighed. "Problem?" Kobayashi asked. Mizuuchi tapped his notepad for a moment. "Well... not quite a problem..." "What is it then?" Mamoru asked. "I will need to do some research on this, but my understanding is that the bureaucrats who administer most of the schools operate with almost tunnel vision toward the cause of uniformity." Mamoru nodded. "Very true." "That may result in natural resistance to acknowledging your fiancee's marriage, and more particularly that she has become legally able to consent for herself in areas that her classmates cannot," Mizuuchi said. "How do we handle that?" Mamoru asked. "That's part of what I need to research," Mizuuchi said. "My first instinct would be to send a firmly worded letter, referencing the governing statutes, and adding that you trust there will be no need to seek judicial assistance in protecting your wife's rights." "Does that need to be dealt with in advance?" Kobayashi asked. Mizuuchi shook his head. "No. In fact, it cannot be because the transfer of consent does not take effect until they are married." Mamoru leaned forward. "Usagi has already had a difficulty with the principal at Juuban Junior High." "Really?" Mizuuchi asked. "The principal managed to learn that Usagi was pregnant, even though the only staff person she had told was the school nurse," Mamoru explained. "Illegal, but unfortunately not uncommon," Mizuuchi commented. "Agreed," Mamoru said. "The principal called in Usagi's parents. I do not know the precise nature of the discussion, but I suspect Usagi's father threatened the principal with exposure in the media. Since that meeting, Usagi has heard nothing more about it, and the medical directives from her doctor have not been challenged." "And her father is...?" "Managing editor of The Rising Sun weekly," Kobayashi answered. "A Chiba company," Mizuuchi observed. "Well, if your understanding is correct, Chiba-san, then your fiancee has nothing to fear of action against her because of her pregnancy, but I would not recommend trusting on that to extend to marriage. Please allow me to research this further and make a more complete recommendation on how the two of you should proceed with regard to her school." "Very well," Mamoru agreed. Kobayashi was making some notes as well. "Is there anything that will need to be dealt with before the New Year, Mizuuchi-san?" Mizuuchi looked up from his notepad. "Hmm? Oh... Well... No, I do not believe so, Kobayashi-san." "I only ask because by then Mamoru will be able to sign all the necessary documents on his own behalf," Kobayashi added. "Yes, Kobayashi-san. That is correct." The attorney returned his attention to his notes. "So, Mamoru-san... when do you and Usagi-san plan to be wed?" Kobayashi asked. "We haven't really discussed that," Mamoru said. "We only received her parents' permission at the party just last night. The truth of it is still sinking in." He thought for a moment. "For myself, I would be willing to do it just after midnight on New Year's Day." "That would be a little difficult, Chiba-san," Mizuuchi said, setting down his pen. "Though perhaps not impossible... As you may be aware, a religious service of marriage has no legal standing. Thus, you will need to obtain and file a civil license as well. It is customary to do the civil filing first, although there are a few cases of couples simply living together, representing themselves as husband and wife without civil sanction. Obviously, given your fiancee's age, that is not an option in this case, particularly as the transfer of rights of consent are mandated to take place only upon marriage, which under the governing statute means a civil marriage." "And New Year's Day is a legal holiday," Kobayashi observed. "Precisely so, Kobayashi-san," Mizuuchi concurred. "And there is our difficulty. It is entirely possible, Mamoru-san, that you could find a priest who would be willing to perform a service of marriage for you on New Year's Day, but most priests, whether Shinto, Buddhist, or Christian, will want some assurance that a civil license has been obtained. And you would not be able to do that until the following day." "Is there any provision for a marriage taking place on a holiday?" Kobayashi asked. "Usually, it is not an issue," Mizuuchi replied. "The couple would make the necessary civil filing, and at that point become legally married. At some later date, they would have the religious ceremony with their families. The difficulty here is that both the man and woman will be underage prior to the intended wedding day." He paused for a moment, rubbing his chin in thought. "There might just be a way around that... Excuse me for a moment, please." He retrieved his cell phone from his pocket and pressed a button. "Hello. Yabuki-san, this is Mizuuchi. By any chance would senior partner Takasaki-san be available?... Yes. I am meeting with Chiba Mamoru-san, and Chiba-san has a question on which I believe Takasaki-san has expertise... Yes, of course." He tapped his pen on his notepad, obviously on hold. Kobayashi glanced over at Mamoru and shrugged. Mizuuchi sat up in his chair. "Yes, Takasaki-san. Thank you for taking my call. I do hope I am not intruding... Yes, sir. Chiba-san is here right now, along with Kobayashi-san... To get directly to the point, sir, Chiba-san desires to be married on New Year's Day, which is when he will attain his majority... Yes, sir. His fiancee is also underage, and will remain so for several years yet, but her parents have signed the necessary paperwork... That's right, sir. The question concerns New Year's Day being a legal holiday. Can Chiba-san obtain a civil license of marriage prior to New Year's Day, perhaps noted in some way that it has no effect before New Year's Day? I recalled hearing that your grandson was recently married at nineteen..." He fell silent and began scribbling. "Yes, sir... I understand... Is Chiba-san able to do that on his own behalf before his majority?... Oh, yes. I understand what you are saying, sir. Thank you, Takasaki-san. I will present this to Chiba-san. Goodbye, sir." "Good news?" Mamoru asked. "Takasaki-san tells me there are two ways it could be accomplished," Mizuuchi answered. "The first would be more applicable if you were not about to reach your majority, Chiba-san, although I doubt it could be done in the timeframe you desire. In that case, Kobayashi-san would first need to obtain full legal guardianship of you, afterwhich he could sign consent forms similar to those which your fiancee's parents have signed. In that case, the consent is reviewable by a magistrate, but so long as there is consent from a guardian of each of the parties, it is rare for the application for civil license to be refused." "Such as if we were both only about to turn fifteen?" Mamoru suggested. "Uhm... I cannot say with certainty, Chiba-san... but I suspect that would be correct. The magistrate would probably be reluctant to approve such an application without being provided with very good reason for its necessity." "But there is something else that fits Mamoru-san's situation?" Kobayashi asked. Mizuuchi nodded. "Yes, Kobayashi-san. An application in advance, with an accompanying affidavit that the applicants will be of age on the intended date. In this case, the affidavit need only assert that Chiba-san will be of age, and of course we have legal evidence to support that. In place of an affidavit for your fiancee, Chiba-san, we are able to demonstrate that she has the requisite consents to marry. The application will be processed right away, so that you will have legal proof to demonstrate your marriage, to be effective on the day selected." "What about the other documents, Mizuuchi-san?" Mamoru asked. "The documents to include her on your accounts do not need to be executed in advance of the wedding, Chiba-san, but should be taken care of as soon as possible afterward," Mizuuchi answered. "The same is true of the advance directive concerning her health care, and notice to her school. These we will want to take care of before her classes resume." Mamoru thought for a moment, then nodded. "Let's assume New Year's Day, Mizuuchi-san," he said. "There wouldn't be a problem if we then had to delay for a few days, would there?" "No, of course not. The civil license will go into effect on New Year's Day, regardless. Any delay would only concern your religious ceremony," Mizuuchi said. He quickly scribbled another note to herself. "I will get to work on the advance application for civil license. I have all the information here that I need, and the cost of the license is well within your discretionary allowance, Chiba-san. I will notify you when payment is due. It should only take a few days." "What about signatures on the affidavit you mentioned?" Kobayashi asked. "Chiba-san can sign that on his own behalf," Mizuuchi said. "If you have no objection, Kobayashi-san, I would ask you to sign in witness." "Certainly," Kobayashi said. "Thank you, Mizuuchi-san," Mamoru said. Kobayashi smiled with delight. "Well, now that that is all settled, let's eat Mamoru-san. We have much to celebrate." "Thank you," Mamoru said, as he and Kobayashi stood. "I trust Natsumi and I will rate an invitation to the wedding," Kobayashi said. "I'm sure you will. Since I don't have any family, I was thinking of asking you and Natsumi-san to be a stand-in family," Mamoru said. Kobayashi smiled. "We would be most honored to, Mamoru-san. Thank you for considering us." "I suspect it will be a small ceremony, especially since it will be on short notice, and we will definitely want to keep it quiet until after the fact. The last thing Usagi and I need is a media circus." Kobayashi nodded. "It probably would attract attention." "And I don't want that." "Well, how about sushi?" Kobayashi suggested, removing the cover from one of the trays. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
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Ami was waiting in the lobby of the building where Usagi and Mamoru lived. The front door slid open, with Rei and Makoto entering together. "Hello, Rei-chan. Mako-chan," Ami greeted them. "Any idea what this is all about?" Makoto asked. Ami shook her head. "I don't know any more about it than the rest of you." Rei checked her watch. "Where is Minako-chan?" "Right here," Minako called as the door again slid open. She had Artemis draped over her shoulder. "I had to wait on Artemis." "Excuse me?" Artemis protested. "And just who was still in bed only half an hour ago?" He glanced at the others. "I wanted to remind her she was supposed to meet Usagi, but the door was closed... and it was rather noisy in there, so I was pretty sure she wouldn't have heard me anyway." Minako blushed as the other girls chuckled. "Oh, right," Minako declared. "And I suppose I was the only one taking advantage of a quiet morning at home with my fiance?" Ami and Makoto both looked a bit sheepish. "Well, don't look at me," Rei said. "Kara was up early this morning, which rules out any possibility of something like that." Artemis shook his head. "And Minako isn't telling you that her 'quiet morning' was far from quiet, and lasted over four hours." "Artemis!" Minako protested. Rei shook her head. "I don't think we need more information on that, Artemis." Ami pressed the button for the elevator. Moments later, the elevator door slid open and the girls walked inside. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
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The doorbell rang and Usagi walked to the entryway, opening the door. "Merry Christmas, Mrs. Chiba!" Minako greeted her exuberantly. "Merry Christmas, Mrs. Kelley," Usagi replied. "And to all of you. Thanks for coming." "No problem," Makoto said, as they entered the apartment and removed their shoes. "What's up." "Let's sit down," Usagi suggested, leading them back to the living room. Usagi sat down in the glider rocker Mamoru had recently purchased for her, while Rei sat in the armchair next to her, and the other girls sat on the sofa. Artemis jumped up on the coffee table, where Luna was already perched. "More Sailor business?" Artemis asked Luna softly. Luna shook her head silently. Usagi leaned forward. "Last night, Mamo-chan and I received an early Christmas present from my parents," she said. "They're letting us get married." The other girls looked at her, wide-eyed, before bursting out with simultaneous expressions of amazement and congratulations. "That's incredible!" Minako exclaimed again, as they all quieted down. "You're sure?" Ami asked. "Yes," Usagi answered. "They gave us the paperwork, all signed. As soon as Mamo-chan turns twenty, we can go ahead." "Congratulations," Rei said. "Yes," Makoto agreed. "That's wonderful news." "When do you plan to get married?" Rei asked. Usagi sat back in her chair. "We haven't really had a chance to discuss that yet. Mamo-chan is meeting with his attorney right now. But I know we want it to be a small, private ceremony." She looked at Rei. "Is there any chance your grandfather could conduct the ceremony?" "I'm sure he would be honored," Rei answered. "Although this is a busy time for him." "I understand that, Rei-chan," Usagi said. "This is so great!" Minako exclaimed. "You know we need to have a party to celebrate this." "Minako-chan," Rei objected. "We don't need some wild party." "Who said 'wild'? Certainly not me," Minako replied. "Besides, we're too young to hire a stripper... and who needs it when you've got the real thing?" Makoto grabbed a cushion and smacked Minako over the head. "Just as I thought... hollow," Makoto announced to the others. "Mako-chan!" Minako protested. "Anyway... we also have to think about a party for Rei-chan eventually." "Why for me?" Rei asked, glaring at Minako suspiciously. "Well, it seems obvious that you're next," Minako answered brightly. "And what about you?" Rei asked. "Usagi and I aren't the only ones with adult fiances." Minako waved her hand dismissively. "But Geoff and I don't already have a daughter, Rei-chan. You trump me there." "My grandfather would have to consent," Rei said. "And you know very well I can hardly explain the truth of it to him. 'Kara's my daughter from a past life, and she and her father have come forward in time to find me again.' That's a story not even he would buy." "Well, I'm only able to live with Geoff because my father more or less smoothed it over with my mother," Minako said. "But she would have an absolute fit at me wanting to get married, and I know Daddy would never push her on that." "But only one parent has to consent," Ami pointed out. "Minako-chan's right," Usagi interrupted. "I'm pretty sure my mother left it to my father to consent to us getting married, and I'm certain she would never have signed the paperwork on her own if Daddy refused to go along with it." "And I only meant to point out that it was possible," Ami clarified. "Certainly I would love to be able to marry Geoff right away," Minako said. "But I know it's not going to happen." She looked around the room. "So... what are we going to do for Usagi-chan?" "How about something quiet at a local restaurant," Makoto suggested. "That would be appropriate for everyone, and if we all chip in, we can cover the cost so that Mamoru and Usagi don't have to." "That sounds great," Ami agreed. "You don't have to do anything special for us," Usagi objected. "Maybe not, but that doesn't mean we don't want to," Makoto replied. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
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Later that afternoon, Usagi sat down at a table at the Crown Cafe. "Good afternoon, Chiba-san," Motoki greeted her. "Hello, Motoki-san," she replied. "Usagi-chan!" Naru called, rushing up behind Motoki. "It's so good to see you." She sat down opposite Usagi. Motoki pulled out his order pad. "Wait. Don't tell me... A diet cola for Osaka-san... and an extra jumbo sized triple thick milk shake for Chiba-san." He grinned at the girls. "You know, Usagi-chan, I think maybe we come here too often," Naru said. "He knows exactly what we order." "I don't know," Usagi said. "This could become a decent place... if they got some better help." "Ouch!" Motoki groaned melodramatically. "Well... since we've obviously fallen on such hard times here, I might not be able to dig up a cup for that milk shake... so I may just have to bring out the pitcher and pour it over you. Afterall, we don't have anything like the great Chiba fortune behind us." Usagi stuck her tongue out at Motoki. "Save the patter for amateur night," she said. "Just bring us our drinks... unless you want us to tell your fiancee, Reika, that you were coming on to us." Motoki burst out laughing. "Oh, she'd get a real laugh out of that! She already knows that quite a few of the junior high girls who come in here try to flirt with me... just as I seem to recall you two doing as well." "That was before I got a much better offer," Usagi said. "Oh well. Money and good looks," Motoki sighed. " 'Fraid I only have one of those." "When did you come into money, Motoki-san?" Naru asked, grinning at Usagi. Motoki shook his head. "Well, Reika repeatedly says she considers me priceless," he said. "Blinded by love," Usagi said. "Definitely." "That's good enough for me," Motoki said with a smile. "I'll get around to bringing your drinks... eventually." He turned and walked back to the counter. Usagi and Naru laughed as he walked away. "So, what did you want to tell me?" Naru asked. Usagi took a breath. "My parents are letting me get married." Naru's eyes widened. "No way!" Usagi nodded. "They gave us the paperwork last night. With the New Year, Mamo-chan will be old enough that we can go ahead." Naru jumped around next to Usagi and gave her a hug. "That is so great! I'm so happy for you, Usagi-chan!" "Thanks... I can still hardly believe it myself." "So, when are you getting married?" "We haven't had a chance to really discuss a date yet," Usagi said. "But as soon as possible after New Year's." "That's so great!" Naru exclaimed, as she returned to her seat. "Say! When school resumes you really will be Chiba Usagi." Usagi grinned and nodded. "That will be great." She thought for a moment. "But there will be problems as well." Naru looked at her questioningly. "I can't really hide that I'm pregnant anymore," Usagi pointed out. "I've been lucky so far that no one has caught on, but..." Naru nodded in understanding. "And now it will be known to everyone that you're the only girl in school who is married and pregnant." "That's right," Usagi confirmed. "But they'll just be jealous because you've got such a great guy." "Yes, I certainly do," Usagi giggled. "I just couldn't be happier." Motoki returned with their drinks. "Here you go, girls." "Thank you," they said in unison. As Motoki walked away, Naru leaned forward. "So, are you going to stay in school?" Usagi looked at her in confusion for a moment. "I don't have any choice. The law says I have to go to school." "Only through junior high," Naru said. "Finish third year and you're done." "Oh, my parents would have a fit over that," Usagi said. "But once you're married, that will only be between you and Mamoru-san." Usagi shook her head. "But I'll still have to listen to my parents complain about it." "I thought you wanted to be a housewife?" "I do," Usagi said. "Then how are you going to manage being a housewife and stay-at-home mother if you're going to school full time?" Naru asked. "I... I don't know." Naru looked at her for a moment. "A cousin of mine recently had a baby - only one - and she says that between caring for him and taking care of her home, she is very busy. Her husband can't really help much because he works long hours six days a week just to support them... You and Mamoru-san won't have that problem, but you're still going to be very busy, unless he's planning to stay home too." Usagi shook her head. "He wants to finish university so that he can be in a position to manage his companies if need be." "So...?" "But if I leave school, I'll hardly ever see my friends," Usagi protested. "We'll still visit you," Naru said, even as she understood it wouldn't be the same. "And what am I supposed to do about school? After the babies are born, I'll still have to finish third year." Naru shrugged. "I don't know... I did see something on the television a while ago about home-school and correspondence courses. Maybe those are options for you to consider." "I already do most of my studying with Ami-chan, Rei-chan, Makoto-chan, and Minako-chan," Usagi said. "Then maybe you could all consider doing it together," Naru said. "I've been looking into them, and just suggested a home-school program to Umino. He's been placing third in our class since Ami-chan and Ryo-kun arrived, but mostly he's bored." Usagi nodded. "Ami-chan and Ryo-kun study together..." "And they're living together," Naru interjected with a grin. Usagi nodded. "They challenge each other and keep each other going." "But is it enough?" Naru asked. "At the rate they're going, it won't take long from them to finish the entire junior hugh curriculum. Umino's cram school already has him doing some university level courses." "So does the one that Ami-chan and Ryo-kun attend." "Home-school and correspondence programs aren't structured like regular schools like Juuban," Naru said. "So if the other girls and I made our study group into a home-school group, you're saying Ami-chan and Ryo-kun could run ahead as far as they wanted to, while helping the rest of us keep up where we should be," Usagi said. "And you might even be able to pull ahead of your grade level, yourself," Naru said. "I understand the courses are set up more like university courses, instead of the repetition and memorization of junior high courses." "Yes," Usagi said. "Mamo-chan has really helped me by showing me different approaches to some of my subjects." "Then maybe that's the way to go," Naru said. "And what about you?" Usagi asked. "If we all leave Juuban..." Naru shook her head. "No problem, Usagi-chan. Actually, I've been studying with Umino." Usagi's eyes widened. "Really?" "Sure," Naru said. "He's really pretty nice when you get to know him, and get him off gossip and the internet." Usagi chuckled. "And he's really helped my studies too," Naru admitted. "Part of my suggestion to him was that we do the home-school program together. My mother likes the idea, and his parents seem enthusiastic about it since they've been growing increasingly unhappy with his course program at Juuban. And I know he'll do better if he has a partner in it." "How are the classes conducted?" "From what I understand, some programs require an adult to be the teacher, although the school provides all the materials. The correspondence programs are more self-directed. You do the assignments, then send them back to the school for grading." "But what happens when you finish 'high school'?" Usagi asked. "How do you apply to university?" "The school that provides the course material gives you a diploma once you pass the required courses, and the schools have to be approved, so their courses meet the national standards," Naru explained. "When you reach the point in your courses where you would be in a regular high school, the school approves you to take the university exams." "So, Ami-chan and Ryo-kun probably could already be taking them if they wanted to." Naru nodded. "But what about the high school exams?" Usagi asked. "It's almost the same as being in an elevator school, where you are guaranteed to be moved up as long as you maintain passing grades," Naru explained. "There's no need to take the high school exams." Usagi sat there, considering. "I'll have to discuss that with Mamo-chan, and with the other girls. That might be a very good solution." In addition to how well they studied together, she was also considering the practical aspect of having increased flexibility should the Sailor Senshi be needed. Naru finished her drink. "I hope you will let me know when the wedding will be, Usagi-chan." "Of course," Usagi replied. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
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Mamoru entered the apartment. "Mamo-chan!" Usagi cried, hurling herself into his embrace. "Usako," he gasped, nearly pushed off balance. She smiled up at him and their lips came together. "I take it you missed me, my lovely princess," he said. "Of course," she answered, still holding him tightly. "It's nice to be missed," he said. "I love you." "I love you, my prince." He kissed her again. "How would you feel about a New Year's Day wedding?" "Really? Are you serious?" "Well, we would have to find out if we can arrange a wedding service on that day, but my attorney, Mizuuchi-san, is pretty sure we can obtain the license in advance." "Wow!" she exclaimed. "That's so soon. Can we get everything together in time?" He nodded. "We don't need a particularly elaborate ceremony, and we only want a small affair. The only possible complication would be a kimono and dress for you, but I know a place that can do it on short notice. We'll need to go there tomorrow." "Mamo-chan! That's so great!" "I told Kobayashi and Mizuuchi that if it was possible I'd be happy to be married just after midnight on New Year's Day," he said. "In a way, I'll get my wish." "Hunh? I don't understand," she said. They headed into the living room. "Under the law, a couple is married as soon as their license is filed," he explained as they sat down. "Mizuuchi's plan is that we can file our license with an application in advance, and then it will take effect first thing on New Year's Day." "But what about the service?" "A religious wedding service doesn't have any legal standing. It's just a celebration for the families. But a priest, like Rei's grandfather, will usually want to know that the couple has filed a marriage license before performing the service." "Oh, I see," she said. "We need the license so that he can perform the service." "That's right," he said. "If we can arrange a service at Hickawa Temple that afternoon, that would be ideal, but legally we would be married from the moment I'm considered of age and the license becomes valid." "That's great," Usagi said. "I'll have to call Rei and see if her grandfather would be able to do it then." "And once we confirm the date and time, we'll need to let people know. Probably Kobayashi and his wife, your parents, Atana and Rei, Minako and Geoff, Ami and Ryo, and Makoto and Shinozaki." Usagi nodded. "And I'd also like Naru-chan there. She's been my best friend for so many years, even though Sailor Moon has kind of gotten in the way recently." "I understand," he said. She embraced him and kissed him. "That reminds me. Naru-chan made some interesting suggestions about alternatives for continuing my education. I'd like to talk about that over dinner and see what you think." "That sounds great," he said, kissing her in return. "You make me so happy, Mamo-chan," she sighed. "That's part of my job, Usako," he replied, caressing her cheek. "And it is entirely mutual." < To be continued >
* * * * * * * * * * * * NOTE: To my readers, I want to say thank you for your incredible patience. As members of our message group already know, I am now a stay-at-home father to a very energetic and determined eighteen-month-old. He has reached the age where he is fully mobile and intends to get into everything. That doesn't leave much time for writing. As I have said before, I exercise some literary license with certain legal details in this story. To clarify, the details concerning the marriage law that a religious service has no standing is correct. It is customary for a Japanese couple to file their civil license, which legally constitutes their marriage, and then have a religious ceremony for the families at a later date. As for the plan of Mamoru's attorney for an application in advance, that is entirely my invention to overcome a potential difficulty in my storyline. Hopeless Romantic and I now have a message group to notify our readers when we post new stories/chapters. Those who are interested can sign up at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/strands_of_moonlight/ . Always remember, good gentles, that a yarnspinner works from and within existing legends and stories. The characters of "Sailor Moon" belong to others. In spinning my yarns, I do not seek to infringe on their rights of ownership, but merely to join with other fans to spread the legend still further. "The moonlight carries a message of love." Enjoy. -01.10.2007 |